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Gender Pay Gap

As a large company, Rygor Group Limited is publishing data in respect of its Gender Pay Gap.

At Rygor Group, we are proud of our team members and part of our five-year DEI&B strategy is centred on encouraging more women into the automotive industry as a whole, a sector which is traditionally male dominated and currently attracts less women into technical roles which have the opportunity to receive high financial returns. We are doing this by:

  • Creating a positive working environment for women
  • Encouraging more women to apply for senior roles

Creating a positive working environment for women

Over the past couple of years, we have focused further on creating a working environment which is comfortable and beneficial to women. For example, we have enhanced our maternity pay offering and return to work process, with women who return full time, only required to work four days a week for the first six week, on full-time pay. Being a new parent can be tough, especially financially, so our maternity pay is 6 weeks full pay, 4 weeks 90% pay and 2 weeks at 50% pay and SMP for the remaining, qualifying weeks.

We have also increased our paternity pay to two weeks at 90% of basic pay, as not only do we understand that partners wish to be able to spend time with their family, we also know that mothers and those who give birth can often really rely on the support from those around them at this time and we do not want financial concerns to restrict this. All new parents in the business also receive a ‘Welcome to the World’ pack for them and their baby. 

Furthermore, we offer paid miscarriage leave, period dignity boxes at all our sites, a menopause policy and training for team members and managers, as well as our DEI&B women in automotive working group. Our business has signed up to the Menopause Pledge to support people experiencing the menopause in the workplace.

Recruitment is a key area to focus on and this means within in all our job adverts, we encourage people to apply even if they do not meet 100% of the job requirements, as research shows women especially are less likely to apply for a role if they don’t tick every criterion on the job description.

YOY we have seen an increase in the percentage of women in our business.

Encouraging more women to apply for senior roles

As our DEI&B strategy moves forward, we plan to start a mentoring programme for women in automotive, to help champion other women within the workplace, building confidence and skill set. We also share articles about the incredible women in our business via our award-winning internal communications channels, to highlight their inspirational stories and we are delighted to have had Kate Ruberry-Shoemack join our Board of Directors in 2024.

Rygor is committed to equal pay regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age or disability. In our 2023 Great Place to Work survey, 91% of our team said ‘People here are treated fairly regardless of their gender’ 94% of team members said ‘People here are treated fairly regardless of their race’ and 93% of team members said ‘People here are treated fairly regardless of their sexual orientation.’

Our highest paid workers are often vehicle sales executives and vehicle technicians, which in the commercial vehicle industry have traditionally attracted male candidates. There are currently fantastic career opportunities across our Group of companies as well as new roles available within our apprenticeship programme, something we target ourselves to see a YOY increase in female applicants and successful candidates. If you are interested in a career at Rygor please email careers@rygor.co.uk with your details, or visit rygorgroup.co.uk.

The mean hourly pay for male employees was 19.78% (2022: 9.24%) higher than it was for female employees. This compares to a national pay gap of 6.3% higher pay for males. The median hourly pay gap was 22.67% (2022: 20.99%)

The mean bonus we pay our staff was 50.52% higher for male staff (2022: 21.88% higher for female staff). The median bonus was level for male and female (2022: 25% higher for female staff). We are continually trying to reward our staff by sharing in our success. Bonus was paid to 91.2% (2022: 38%) of all male employees compared to 92.56% (2022: 71.44%) of females.

This data is based as at 30 April 2023, when we had a total of 553 (2022: 495) employees of which 121 (21.88%) (2022: 96 (19%)) were female and 432 (78.12%) (2022: 399 (81%)) were male. The split of employees per pay quartile was as follows which reflects the low numbers of female staff in our higher paid vehicle technician and vehicle sales departments.




Lower Quartile



Lower Mid Quartile



Upper Mid Quartile



Upper Quartile



Tim Smith – Group Finance Director
April 2024

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