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Rygor Plant Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Statement of Rygor Plant Ltd to the Modern Slavery Act 2015

Rygor Plant Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA 2015) focuses specifically on the issue of modern slavery, to ensure offenders are suitably reprimanded with severe sentences. Modern slavery encompasses the offences of: ‘slavery’ where ownership is exercised over a person; ‘servitude’ which involves the obligation to provide service imposed by coercion; ‘forced or compulsory labour’ involves work or service exacted from any person under the menace of a penalty and for which the person has not offered themselves voluntarily; and ‘human trafficking’ concerns arranging or facilitating the travel of another with a view to exploiting them. This statement explains the steps Rygor has taken during the 2020/2021 financial year, to ensure that slavery or human trafficking does not take place in any part of the Rygor business, or its supply chains.

Rygor Plant comprises of Rygor Auto, Rygor Plant, Rygor Apex, Rygor Holdings Limited, Rygor Plant Limited, Rygor Commercials Limited, Rygor Plant Services Limited, and Rygor Maxus Limited, and has various branches and maintenance sites across the UK. Rygor Plant recognises its business and social responsibility to reduce the risk of human trafficking, forced labour and debt bondage, sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation, and domestic servitude.

Rygor Plant has a detailed policy in place to prevent all forms of modern slavery. This policy has been communicated to all Rygor team members and is also available to view on the company intranet and on the company Shared Drive. Rygor Plant advocates and encourages equality, diversity, and respect as a key part of its ethos. Through Rygor Plant’s new starter process, all team members are required to complete a Modern Slavery training course. This course has also been completed by existing employees, to ensure the whole team understands Rygor’s social and business responsibilities, their individual responsibility to treat others with respect and courtesy, and ensures the team adhere to all the relevant laws and regulations, and Rygor’s own standards. This training is monitored and measured quarterly, to ensure all team members are compliant.

In addition to mandatory training, all new Rygor team members are provided with a detailed New Starter pack. This pack contains all Rygor Plant’s policies, including its Modern Slavery policy, and highlights the processes through which any concerns should be raised.

Rygor Plant’s Modern Slavery policy is reviewed annually by Rygor Plant’s Human Resources department and Rygor Plant’s legal advisers, to ensure the Rygor Plant business remains compliant. Rygor Plant is committed to its ongoing due diligence process, and regularly reviews its policies in line with legislation. The Modern Slavery policy is included in Rygor Plant’s permit to work document, which is signed by all contractors and suppliers working for/with Rygor Plant. Rygor Plant’s management team are alert to the potential signs of modern slavery and human trafficking and will address any concerns raised by their team or suppliers. If concerns are raised, Rygor Plant’s Human Resources department will be involved in a thorough risk assessment and if, after investigation any worker is found in breach of our policies, Rygor Plant will ensure suitable disciplinary action is taken, and reserves the right to terminate an employee’s contract or cease trading with a supplier. The business will notify the appropriate safe-guarding services or authorities where wrongdoing is suspected.

Rygor Plant seeks to be an employer of choice, and as such the business recognises the rights of all individuals working for Rygor or providing services to the business, to freely choose employment and the right to associate freely with other individuals. For example, team members are free to join a trade union if they wish, and because of Rygor Plant’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, Rygor Plant promotes a working environment free from harassment and unlawful discrimination. Rygor Plant ensures its working practices are in accordance with the Equality Act 2010, and all appropriate employment legislation.

In relation to Rygor Plant’s supply chains, the business makes every reasonable effort to conduct risk assessments of the third parties it works with. Where it is possible to do so, Rygor Plant investigates the working conditions of its supplier’s staff, and requires its supply chain contractors to read Rygor Plant’s Statement and Contractor Principles and sign the associated declaration. Rygor Plant’s statements and processes are highlighted in all its business tenders, to ensure all Rygor Plant’s business affiliations are mindful of their collective responsibilities in line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Rygor Plant does not engage in forced or involuntary labour and employs a zero-tolerance approach to the same, meaning we do not tolerate any of our suppliers engaging in such conduct. Rygor Plant requires its suppliers to certify that they do not participate in any forced or involuntary labour, either with their workers, subcontractors, agents or associates. Rygor Plant aims to ensure that our performance indicators do not put pressure on or influence any modern slavery risk.

In addition to training its team and engaging with its contractors and suppliers, Rygor Plant has a clear whistleblowing procedure in place to report concerns outlined in the MSA 2015. This information can be easily accessed by all Rygor team members via the company intranet, or by visiting Rygor Plant’s main website Legal Notice.

Rygor Plant’s full Modern Slavery policy is available to third parties. To request a copy, please contact Rygor Plant’s People Department via peopleteam@rygor.co.uk

12th August 2024

Rygor Plant

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